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Outdoor weathering wood grain passing test

Views:243 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-03-14 00:00:00 Orgin:Site

Another research achievement of aribe

The outdoor wood grain of irebo has passed the 1000 hour inspection of Hangzhou iveo testing company, and the effect is very ideal. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the application fields of outdoor weather resistant wood grain are more and more extensive, such as villa outdoor fence, sunlight room, grape trellis and so on. Because the global climate is warming, the reduction of vegetation and industrial pollution are the direct factors leading to climate warming, so the protection of trees and forests is imperative The aluminum content ranks the third on the earth (8.1%), which is the most metal content element. The most important thing is that aluminum alloy can be recycled and is the most environmentally friendly metal at present. I believe that the application of aluminum alloy will be more and more widely. After all, the growth period of trees is too long. As the saying goes, it is a disaster for the earth to cut down trees too fast Difficult, so aluminum alloy has been more and more widely used. Back to the aluminum alloy wood grain transfer color, outdoor weather resistance this problem has been solved, which can speed up the application of wood grain transfer in the outdoor field, which is beautiful and environmentally friendly. Aribo outdoor weather resistant wood grain model is expected to be launched in June this year, please look forward to global customers.

