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Interview of AI Ruibo in fighting against epidemic situation

Views:273 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-03-01 00:00:00 Orgin:Site

Affected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the aluminum processing industry is experiencing severe tests of the obstacles to logistics, labor difficulties, tight funds, limited performance, new orders, shortage of protective materials, international trade and market price fluctuations. In the face of the epidemic situation, aluminum processing enterprises are taking practical actions to participate in the war "epidemic". When one side has difficulties, all sides support them and work together to tide over the difficulties. On the premise of strengthening the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, enterprises are working hard to organize a comprehensive resumption of production, and the smell of early spring is getting stronger and stronger.

Aluminum plus network special planning, now through the form of soliciting contributions (text back, telephone interview, recording back) to collect relevant materials from your company, the special topic will be launched in aluminum screening, aluminum processing wechat, aluminum profile special magazine, please pay attention.

1. What do you think of the government's support policy?

The epidemic has greatly affected the domestic and global economy. However, the central government is now focusing on both the epidemic situation and the economy. It is necessary to control the epidemic situation in a network format and return to work as soon as possible. Good results have been achieved in controlling the epidemic situation in the network format. So far, the gratifying change of continuous decline has occurred. Now, the government has set a specific date for the end of the epidemic in various provinces of the country, This shows that the epidemic situation has been completely under control. I would like to pay high tribute to all medical workers, public security officers, caring people and government workers who have been fighting for the epidemic situation! In terms of economy, the Guangdong provincial government is very hard core. In order to return to work and production as soon as possible, many preferential policies have been introduced, such as the government's charter car to bring migrant workers back to work from other provinces, how to subsidize migrant workers returning from inside and outside the province on their own, and how to subsidize the factory rent of enterprises, etc.

2. Can you talk about your company's emergency response plan for work stoppage / postponement caused by the epidemic?

We have already prepared 1000 masks, including medical masks, N95 masks and activated carbon masks. On the fifth day of the first month after the new year, we have prepared anti epidemic substances such as infrared thermometer, disinfectant and water-free hand sanitizer. During the epidemic period, as a representative of the enterprise, I actively contributed to the epidemic, such as donating masks and using original poems and calligraphy Heroes who support the front line of anti epidemic. After the outbreak of the epidemic in Taigong, we will have a better opportunity to communicate with our customers after the outbreak of the epidemic.

3. What are your expectations or views on the aluminum processing industry after the "baptism" of the epidemic? How to deal with it?

As I have said in the third point, there will be great prosperity after the epidemic. In the future economic construction, I believe that there will be a healthy and rapid development stage in the aspects of people's livelihood, infrastructure construction and medical construction. Aluminum processing industry has been more and more widely used in people's livelihood. After this epidemic, the application scope of aluminum processing will be more extensive, for example Ming, this novel coronavirus pneumonia has put forward a new technical requirement for the antibacterial effect of the aluminum surface. We have developed antibacterial powder two years ago, but because of its less extensive application and higher price, it is believed that after this epidemic, the application in medical field will be more and more extensive. There is no industry that has fallen, only enterprises that have fallen. We have been researching and developing products needed by the market, including application demand and consumption demand. Only by constantly bringing forth new ideas and leading the market, we believe that we will develop better and better.

AI Qinglin, Foshan irebo decoration materials Co., Ltd

February 21, 2020
