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Aluminum plus net interview with irebo decoration materials: there will be great prosperity after the epidemic and progress in the future

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In the novel coronavirus pneumonia million people united as one man, the help comes from all quarters. The aluminum processing enterprises are taking part in the battle with actual action. On the premise of strengthening the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, enterprises are working hard to organize a comprehensive resumption of production. As a commercial media focusing on the aluminum processing industry chain, aluminum plus network is very concerned about the impact of the epidemic on the industry and the relevant situation of enterprises returning to work and production. In particular, it launched the special planning of "enterprises in action under the epidemic situation" to build a voice and communication platform for enterprises. Recently, Mr. AI Qinglin, general manager of Foshan irebo decoration materials Co., Ltd., was interviewed by aluminum plus network reporter. In his opinion, the economic construction after the epidemic will usher in a stage of healthy and rapid development, and the demand for products will also grow further.

Aluminum plus network: what do you think of the government's support policy?

President AI: the epidemic has had a great impact on the domestic and global economy. The timely introduction of various supporting policies by the government is an accurate judgment of the current situation. We can see that under the situation of both the epidemic situation and the economy, the number of epidemic cases has been declining continuously, the epidemic prevention and control of network format has achieved obvious and good results, and the resumption of work and production of enterprises is also gradually recovering.

At present, the epidemic situation has been controlled to a certain extent, which can not be separated from the sweat and efforts of all medical workers, public security officers, caring people and government workers who are fighting for the epidemic situation. I would like to express my high respect to them! In terms of economy, the Guangdong provincial government has issued a number of preferential policies to promote the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner. For example, there are clear provisions on the transportation and transportation of migrant workers from outside the province to return to work in Guangdong, the subsidy for the self resumption of work of migrant workers inside and outside the province, and the factory rent subsidy of enterprises.

Aluminum screening: can you talk about your company's emergency response plan for work stoppage / postponement caused by the epidemic?

Mr. AI: irebo had prepared 1000 masks before, including medical masks, N95 masks and activated carbon masks. On the fifth day of the first month after the new year, he had prepared anti epidemic substances such as infrared thermometer, disinfectant and water-free hand sanitizer. During the epidemic period, as a representative of the enterprise, I also actively made some contributions to the epidemic, such as donating masks and supporting and paying tribute to the heroes of the anti epidemic front line in the form of original poems and calligraphy. During the period of delayed return to work, we actively communicated with customers and analyzed the economic trend after the end of this year's epidemic, so as to lay a good foundation for the next resumption of work and production. There will be great prosperity after the epidemic. We believe that the situation will turn out to be favorable. We will usher in a faster development opportunity in both political and economic aspects.

Aluminum screening: what are your expectations or views on the aluminum processing industry after the "baptism" of the epidemic? How to deal with it?

President AI: as I mentioned earlier, there will be great prosperity after the epidemic. In the future economic construction, I believe that there will be a stage of healthy and rapid development in terms of people's livelihood, infrastructure and medical construction. In terms of aluminum processing, its application in people's livelihood has become more and more extensive, and after the epidemic, the application scope of aluminum processing will be more extensive.

As an example, aribo developed antibacterial powder two years ago, but the market demand is not obvious due to its low application and high price. Nowadays, the novel coronavirus pneumonia has put forward a new technical requirement for the antibacterial effect of the aluminum surface. The application of antibacterial powder in the medical field will be more and more extensive after this epidemic.

There is no fallen industry, only fallen enterprises. Enterprises can lead the market only by constantly pushing the old and bringing forth the new. Aribo has always insisted on developing products that meet the market application demand and consumer demand. We believe that we can develop better and better in the continuous progress.
