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hot wire! Powder coatings are classified as coatings with low VOCs content

Views:219 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-04-25 00:00:00 Orgin:Site

On March 31, the national standard plan "technical requirements for coating products with low VOC content" (Standard No.: GB / T 38597-2020) was officially released, and the implementation date was February 1, 2021. The competent department is the China Federation of petroleum and chemical industries. The main drafting units are Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of ecological environment, China Coatings Industry Association, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation and CNOOC Changzhou coating Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.

The standard specifies the requirements of coating products with low VOC content, the implementation of test methods, judgment rules, packaging marks and standards, and the determination of coating products with low VOC content. At the same time, it is pointed out that the content of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in powder coatings, inorganic architectural coatings (including building inorganic powder coating materials) and architectural organic powder coatings are usually very small, which can be classified as low VOC content coatings.

What is VOCs content?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are precursors of ozone generation in the ambient atmosphere, which are the important reasons for photochemical pollution and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Strengthening the emission control of VOCs has become an important trend of air pollution control. Coating products are the most important emission source of organic solvents.

The use of low VOCs content coating is of great significance to improve the safety of production site and protect the health of workers. It is one of the important work to popularize and use low pollution environmental friendly coatings in air pollution control.

Powder coating is the trend of the times

With the improvement of environmental awareness of residents and well-known brands, all walks of life are faced with the problem of image building of environmental protection products, and environmentally friendly products have gradually become the choice of consumers. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the first-class objectives of air pollution control, and they are also the pollutants that consumers increasingly realize will affect human health. The use of low VOC content coatings can help enterprises create environmental protection image and products, and realize the upgrading and transformation of industrial structure.

In recent years, water-based coatings, high solid coatings, solvent-free coatings, radiation curing coatings, powder coatings and other environmentally friendly coatings have made great progress under the guidance of environmental protection requirements and industrial policies. For example, water-based coatings such as building wall materials, container coatings, automobile factory coatings and other coatings have been very successful, and have been widely used; powder coatings, solvent-free coatings and radiation curing coatings, although limited by the way of coating, the scope of application is still gradually expanding; the technology and application of high-solid coatings are becoming more and more mature. All these have effectively promoted the green transformation of China's coatings industry to low VOC content coatings.

Why is this standard established? Previously, China issued and implemented "air pollution prevention law", "three year action plan to win the blue sky defense war", "comprehensive treatment plan of volatile organic compounds in key industries" and other laws and regulations to promote the use of low VOCs content coatings. However, the "low VOCs content coating" is not clear. Therefore, the standard takes into account the actual situation of the coating industry, clearly specifies the technical requirements of low VOC content coatings, reflecting the demand of leading the development of the industry.

Significance: because VOCs emissions are mostly unorganized emissions with a wide range of sources, the cost of closed collection and terminal treatment in the process of industrial coating production is high, and the supervision is difficult. The technical specification effectively reduces the generation of VOCs from the source by defining the coatings with low VOC content, which is of great significance for VOCs emission reduction.

Requirements for VOCs content in Waterborne Coatings

VOCs content requirements in solvent based coatings

VOCs content requirements in solvent free coatings

VOCs content requirements in radiation curing coatings

Conclusion: the advanced standards reflect the current social advanced productivity level to a certain extent, promote the development of advanced productivity from the consumer side, so as to achieve the overall technical progress of the coating production industry and realize the economic and social benefits of the industry. Nowadays, low volatile organic compounds are no longer a challenge, but a normal. Low pollution environment-friendly coating is the development trend of future coating products, and there is a lot of room for improvement in the field of coatings in China. The coatings manufacturers all over the country realize that the coatings with low VOCs content are the development direction in the future, so as to speed up the pace of product transformation.

According to the sampling test results of coating products in various industries, most of the powder coatings, UV curing and waterborne coatings can meet the technical requirements of VOCs content in this specification.
